As a busboy in a restaurant, Amiel takes 1/12 h to clear and reset a table. How many tables can Amiel clear in 2/3 h?

1/12 hour = 5 minutes

2/3 hour = 40 minutes

What do you think the answer is?

How did you get 5 mintues and 40 mintues?

1/12 * 60 minutes = 5 minutes

(Look at a clock.)

2/3 * 60 minutes = 40 minutes.

1/12 of an hour is 1/12*60= 5min

2/3 of hour= 2/3*60min=40 min

Ohh, okay. I think the answer is 8!

Thanks for your help!

You're welcome. And the answer is 8.

can you please explain me how to do this question please in fractions?

To find out how many tables Amiel can clear in 2/3 of an hour, we need to divide the total time (2/3 h) by the time it takes to clear and reset one table (1/12 h).

To do this, we can use the following steps:

1. Write down the given information:
Time to clear and reset one table: 1/12 h
Total time available: 2/3 h

2. Divide the total time by the time it takes to clear one table:
(2/3 h) ÷ (1/12 h)

3. When dividing fractions, we can rewrite the problem as a multiplication by multiplying the first fraction by the reciprocal (or inverse) of the second fraction:
(2/3 h) × (12/1 h)

4. Simplify the fractions:
(2 × 12) / (3 × 1) = 24/3

5. Divide the numerator by the denominator:
24 ÷ 3 = 8

Therefore, Amiel can clear 8 tables in 2/3 of an hour.