deck is to ornaments as

a. equip is to pharaphernalia
b. furnish is to references
c. safeguard is to valuables
d. salvage s to remains
e. pack is to belongings

Deck the halls with boughs of holly, ...

so one used holly to decorate the halls...

I like e.

I assume that the statement means to adorn with ornaments.

I vote for e.


e i guess

k thnx guys! =)

in 6 grade and need help?

To determine the correct analogy, we need to identify the relationship between the words in the given pair and find another pair of words that has the same relationship.

In the given pair, "deck" is related to "ornaments." This relationship suggests that "deck" is a collection or arrangement of "ornaments."

Let's analyze the options:

a. Equip is to paraphernalia: The relationship between "equip" and "paraphernalia" is not the same as the relationship in the given pair. "Equip" means to provide someone with necessary items or tools, while "paraphernalia" refers to equipment or personal belongings related to a specific activity. This analogy does not align with the given pair.

b. Furnish is to references: Similarly, the relationship between "furnish" and "references" does not match the relationship between "deck" and "ornaments." "Furnish" means to provide or supply something, while "references" refers to sources or citations used to support information. This analogy is not the correct match.

c. Safeguard is to valuables: The relationship between "safeguard" and "valuables" aligns with the relationship in the given pair. "Safeguard" means to protect or keep something safe, while "valuables" refers to objects that hold significant worth or importance. This analogy is a possible match.

d. Salvage is to remains: The relationship between "salvage" and "remains" is not the same as the relationship in the given pair. "Salvage" means to recover or save something from damage or destruction, while "remains" refers to what is left after decay or destruction. This analogy does not match the given pair.

e. Pack is to belongings: The relationship between "pack" and "belongings" is similar to the relationship in the given pair. "Pack" means to put items together for transportation or storage, while "belongings" refer to personal possessions. This analogy is a possible match.

Now, comparing options c and e, both "safeguard" and "pack" can be related to the action of protecting or arranging something. However, "deck" suggests more of an arrangement or collection rather than just protection. Therefore, the most appropriate analogy would be:
c. Safeguard is to valuables

In this analogy, just like ornaments are arranged and protected by a deck, valuables are safeguarded by safeguard.