#11: Coffeehouses were centers for (A) literary activity (B) political debates © entertainment (D) all of the above.

#11: D

#12: After viewing the London Fire on September 2, 1666, Samuel Pepys (A) mailed a letter to his father (B) left town © went back to bed (D) buried his cheese.

#12: D

#13: In John Bunyan's “The Pilgrim's Progress”, the purpose of Help is (A) to send Christian to the Slough of Despond (B) to argue with Christian's motives (C) to tempt Christian into sin (D) to aid Christian.

#13: A

#14: In “Gulliver's Travels”, the Houyhnhnm's conducted society based on (A) reason and logic (B) emotion and sensibility (C) competition and warfare (D) the English system of government.

#14: B

#15: In “An Essay on Criticism” Pope discusses rules for (A) political revolutions (B) social behavior (C) government policy (D) writing poetry.

#15: A

#16: “The of the Lock” (A) is based on American Folklore (B) is about the real theft of a young lady's curl (C) is a serious heroic epic (D) praises the common man.

#16: B

#17: To his poem “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”, Thomas Gray (A) condemned poverty (B) praised the aristocracy (C) used free verse (D) criticized the poor.

#17: C

To get the answer for question #17, we need to analyze the options and identify the correct one.

Option A states that Thomas Gray condemned poverty. Option B states that he praised the aristocracy. Option C states that he used free verse. Option D states that he criticized the poor.

To determine the correct answer, we need to have some background knowledge about Thomas Gray and his poem "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard." This poem is a renowned work of Gray and is written in quatrains, which is a specific form of verse. The poem is also known for its melancholic and meditative tone.

From our analysis of the options and our knowledge about Thomas Gray and his poem, we can conclude that option C is the correct answer. Thomas Gray used free verse in his poem "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard."

#11: Coffeehouses were centers for (A) literary activity, (B) political debates, and © entertainment.

#12: After viewing the London Fire on September 2, 1666, Samuel Pepys (D) buried his cheese.

#13: In John Bunyan's “The Pilgrim's Progress”, the purpose of Help is (D) to aid Christian.

#14: In “Gulliver's Travels”, the Houyhnhnm's conducted society based on (B) emotion and sensibility.

#15: In “An Essay on Criticism” Pope discusses rules for (D) writing poetry.

#16: “The of the Lock” (B) is about the real theft of a young lady's curl.

#17: To his poem “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard”, Thomas Gray used (C) free verse.