the framers of the constitution called for the president to be elected by: A)congress B)a direct vote of the people C) A BODY of electors D)the state legislature. i think b that's how it is now we vote

The people do not directly elect the president. Check this site for the answer.

its c. thank you


The framers of the Constitution called for the president to be elected by a body of electors, which is option C. This body of electors is what we now refer to as the Electoral College.

To understand why the framers chose this method of election, we need to consider the historical context in which the Constitution was written. At that time, direct national elections were logistically challenging due to limited communication and transportation capabilities. Additionally, the framers wanted to ensure that the president was elected by representatives who would possess the knowledge and judgment to make an informed decision.

So, instead of directly electing the president through a popular vote, the framers designed a system where each state appoints a number of electors equal to its representation in Congress. These electors would then convene to cast their votes for president based on the preferences of the voters in their respective states. The candidate who receives a majority of electoral votes (at least 270 out of 538) becomes the president.

It's important to note that although the framers intended for the president to be elected by the Electoral College, the process has evolved over time. Today, in most states, the electors are chosen based on the outcome of the popular vote in that state. So, when you vote for the president, you are indirectly participating in the selection of electors who will then cast their votes for the president.