The smallest integer is zero.Is it ture or false.Give reason.

It depends upon how you define "small". It is the integer with the smallest absolute value, but there are an infinite number of (negative) integers less than zero. If "less than" means "smaller than", false is the answer.

I think also implied in the question is whether zero is an integer. Is it?

The opposite of zero is zero.

yes, zero is an integer

The statement that the smallest integer is zero is true. In order to understand why, it is essential to have a basic understanding of integers.

Integers are the set of whole numbers and their negative counterparts. They do not include fractions or decimals. In the integer number line, the numbers extend infinitely in both the positive (+) and negative (-) directions.

The smallest integer is known as the "smallest" because it is the integer that is closest to the negative infinity side or the leftmost side of the number line. This integer is denoted as "-∞" which represents negative infinity.

If we look at the number line, going from left to right, we encounter an increasing sequence of integers: ..., -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, .... As we move towards the left side (or the negative side) of the number line, the magnitude of the numbers increases, meaning they become larger in an absolute sense.

Therefore, as we approach the leftmost side or "negative infinity" on the number line, the magnitude of the numbers increases infinitely. However, there is no specific endpoint or smallest value when we move towards negative infinity.

Hence, the smallest integer is not a specific value but rather the concept of "negative infinity," as there is no integer that is smaller than all other integers in the number line. Therefore, the statement that the smallest integer is zero is false.