wat do u do wen they ask to draw a dialation image at the origin and a scale factor of 2???

Multiply all x and y coordinates of the original image points by 2.

To draw a dilation image at the origin with a scale factor of 2, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by drawing the original figure or shape. Let's say it's a triangle.

2. Identify the coordinates of each vertex of the original triangle. For example, let's say the vertices (points) of the triangle are A, B, and C. Determine the coordinates of A, B, and C by using the x and y axes.

3. Next, draw a straight line from each vertex of the original triangle to the origin (point (0, 0)). These lines will serve as the "rays" or "lines of dilation."

4. Now, to create the dilation image, you will need to apply the scale factor of 2. To accomplish this, multiply the coordinates of each vertex by the scale factor. For example, if the original vertex A is at coordinates (2, 3), the dilated image of vertex A would be (2 × 2, 3 × 2), which is (4, 6). Repeat this process for each vertex of the original triangle.

5. Finally, connect the new coordinates of the dilated vertices to form the dilation image. Use dotted or dashed lines to differentiate it from the original figure.

By following these steps, you should now have a dilation image of the original figure at the origin with a scale factor of 2.