(#1)- When the boar charges, what does ralph do?

(#2)-What part does civilization play in dictating a need for good grooming?

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In a civilization people care about what they look like and how good their hygene is. On the boy's island their civilization didn't require you to look good or smell good. Mostly because they were a bunch of "Savages". In a civilization you try to impress others out of a normal happenstance.

(#1) To find out what Ralph does when the boar charges in Chapter 7 of the book, you can refer to the specific section. If you have a physical copy of the book, you can flip to Chapter 7 and read through the text to find the answer. If you are reading an electronic version, you can use the search function on your device to search for keywords like "boar" or "Ralph charges" to quickly locate the relevant passage. Reading the text in context will provide you with a direct answer.

(#2) To understand the part civilization plays in dictating a need for good grooming in Chapter 7 of the book, you can analyze the text to find the explanation. Start by reading through Chapter 7 to identify any references to grooming and civilization. Pay attention to any discussions or observations made by the characters that highlight this connection.

Additionally, analyze the behavior and attitudes of the characters towards grooming and civilization throughout the chapter. Look for instances where they talk about maintaining a clean appearance, adhering to societal norms, or valuing the importance of order and discipline.

By closely examining the text and interpreting the interactions between the characters, you will be able to identify how civilization influences the need for good grooming in Chapter 7 of the book.