the cost of apen is 3 times the cost of a pencil. the cost of 4 pencils and 3 pens is $9.75. what is the cost of a pencil?

can't find a formula for this problem.

help is appreciated.

cost of pencil = p

cost of pen = 3p
4p + 3(3p) = 9.75

thank you damon

To solve this problem, we can set up a system of equations using the given information.

Let's assume the cost of a pencil is 'x'. Then the cost of a pen would be 3 times the cost of a pencil, or 3x.

Now, let's use this information to form our first equation. The cost of 4 pencils would be 4x, and the cost of 3 pens would be 3 * 3x = 9x. The sum of these two costs is given as $9.75, so our first equation is:

4x + 9x = 9.75

Combining like terms, we get:

13x = 9.75

Now we can solve for x:

Divide both sides of the equation by 13 to isolate x:

x = 9.75 / 13

Calculating this, we get:

x = 0.75

So, the cost of a pencil is $0.75.

To summarize, the cost of a pencil in this problem is $0.75.