How can the state standardseffect your planning and instruction for 7th grade

language Arts?

Obviously, you much teach the basics of your state standards.

But the question asks how these state standards will affect YOUR planning and instruction. Only YOU can answer that.

Please note that the word is AFFECT, not effect.

MY opinion.... in a good teacher, the state standards are just a mark on the wall. The planning and instruction is for the purpose of pushing and encouraging those students to go as far and as fast as they can possibly go. Each child has his/her own mark, the best that they can do. Nothing else is quite good enough! Only this way will each student feel the pride of accomplishment that comes with knowing that they did their best....and with that come a goal to do their best again because it feels sooooo good.

I agree with Ms. Sue and GuruBlue. State standards can provide only the framework or skeleton of whatever you're teaching. YOU must supply the creativity and skill in teaching so your students are truly interested and learning. No list on a state website or in a standards publication can ensure that students are actually learning. Only YOU, the teacher, can do that.

To understand how state standards can affect your planning and instruction for 7th grade Language Arts, you need to follow a few steps:

1. Familiarize yourself with the state standards: First, locate the specific document that outlines the language arts standards for 7th grade in your state. This document is typically available on the state's Department of Education website.

2. Read through the standards: Take the time to read and understand the standards. Pay attention to the language used, the skills and concepts expected of students, and any specific outcomes or performance indicators mentioned.

3. Identify the key areas: Identify the key areas of focus within the language arts standards. This may include reading comprehension, writing skills, speaking and listening, vocabulary development, and grammar.

4. Align curriculum with the standards: Compare the existing curriculum materials, resources, and lesson plans to the state standards. Identify areas where the current curriculum aligns well and areas that need to be adjusted or supplemented.

5. Plan instruction based on standards: Use the state standards as a guide to plan your instruction. Break down the standards into smaller, more manageable learning objectives and design lessons that help students achieve these objectives.

6. Assess student progress: Develop formative and summative assessments that align with the standards. Regularly assess student progress to determine if they are meeting the expected outcomes and adjust instruction accordingly.

7. Seek professional development opportunities: Stay updated on any revisions or changes in the state standards. Attend professional development workshops or conferences to learn about effective instructional strategies and resources aligned with the standards.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your planning and instruction for 7th grade Language Arts are aligned with the state standards, providing students with the necessary knowledge and skills to meet academic expectations.