Well I am really bad at math mostly multiplication and division.When I start to think that i am getting math my teacher teachs something new what do i do.

1) Discuss this with your parents.

2) Discuss this with your teacher.
3) Don't delay.
Neither your mom nor your teacher want you to get behind. If you help them, you wont.
Dont delay.

Learning math can sometimes be challenging, especially when new topics are introduced before you feel confident in the previous ones. However, with practice and perseverance, you can improve your math skills. Here are some tips to help you:

1. Identify the specific areas in multiplication and division that you struggle with the most, such as certain times-tables or division strategies.

2. Break down the concepts into smaller and more manageable parts. Focus on one specific aspect at a time rather than trying to understand everything at once.

3. Seek additional resources outside of the classroom. There are many online tutorials, video lessons, and practice worksheets available for free that can provide extra help and reinforce your understanding.

4. Practice regularly to reinforce your skills. Repetition is key when it comes to mastering multiplication and division. Set aside dedicated time each day to practice, even if it's just a few minutes.

5. Consider using manipulatives or visual aids. For multiplication, you can use objects like blocks or counters to physically represent the groups being multiplied. For division, drawing pictures or using objects to represent groups can help you visualize the process.

6. Ask for help when needed. Don't be afraid to ask your teacher or classmates for clarification or additional guidance. Your teacher is there to support you and can offer extra resources or personalized explanations to help you better understand the topics.

7. Stay positive and be patient with yourself. Everyone learns at their own pace, and it is normal to encounter difficulties. Believe in your ability to improve and don't give up.

Remember, learning math takes time and effort. By utilizing these strategies and seeking support when needed, you can gradually improve your math skills and become more confident in multiplication and division.