I need help figuring out what the writing style was for medieval literature, english renassiance literature, renaissance drama, and early 7th century literature.

To explore the ______, or effect of mythical literature on contemporary literature, a reader should identify key characters, settings, and plots.

To determine the writing style of different literary periods, we can examine various elements such as language, themes, and literary techniques. Here's an approach to understanding the writing style for the periods you mentioned:

1. Medieval Literature:
Medieval literature refers to works produced from the 5th to the 15th centuries. One prominent feature of this period is the heavy influence of Christian theology and morality. Medieval writings often employed allegory, which conveyed moral lessons through symbolic characters and events. The language used in this period was Middle English, which evolved from Old English. Key works include "Beowulf" and Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales."

To understand the writing style of medieval literature, you can:
a. Read sample texts from the period, paying attention to the use of allegory, religious themes, and the language.
b. Research literary devices and techniques commonly employed during this time, such as alliteration, rhyme, and symbolism.
c. Study the social and historical context of the Middle Ages to gain insights into how it influenced the writing style.

2. English Renaissance Literature:
English Renaissance literature emerged during the 16th and early 17th centuries, marked by the flourishing of arts, science, and exploration. This period saw a significant shift to a more secular and humanistic approach. The writing style became more refined and focused on individuality, reason, and intellectual exploration. Prominent Renaissance authors include William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, and John Milton.

To understand the writing style of English Renaissance literature, you can:
a. Analyze the language used in plays, sonnets, and prose from this period, noting the elevated vocabulary and use of poetic devices like iambic pentameter.
b. Identify recurring themes such as love, ambition, and the complexity of human nature.
c. Study the dramatic structure and techniques employed in Shakespearean plays, such as soliloquies, asides, and complex character development.

3. Renaissance Drama:
Renaissance drama, specifically referring to English drama during the Renaissance period, shares some characteristics with English Renaissance literature mentioned above. However, it focuses on theatrical productions and performances. The most notable playwrights during this time were William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe, and Ben Jonson.

To understand the writing style of Renaissance drama, you can:
a. Analyze plays from this period, paying attention to the dialogue, use of dramatic tension, and stage directions.
b. Research the different genres within Renaissance drama, such as tragedy, comedy, and history plays, and identify their distinctive features.
c. Study the structure of Elizabethan theaters, including their influence on the writing style.

4. Early 17th-century Literature:
The early 17th century encompasses a transitional period between the English Renaissance and the upcoming Restoration era. The writing style during this time can be seen as a blend of Renaissance influences and emerging new concepts. Notable authors include John Donne, John Milton, and Francis Bacon.

To understand the writing style of early 17th-century literature, you can:
a. Explore sample texts and identify both traditional Renaissance elements and newer, experimental features.
b. Analyze themes of religious and political conflicts, metaphysical poetry, and the exploration of scientific and philosophical ideas.
c. Consider the influence of major historical events on the literature of this period, such as the English Civil War and the shift from monarchy to Commonwealth.

Remember, reading primary sources, researching literary analysis, and studying historical context will provide in-depth understanding of each period's writing style.