what are genesis 1 & 2? i've never been a great bible reader and i thought genesis was just when God created the Earth and so on, but I'm supposed to know the difference in WRITING,like calling God 'Lord' amd stuff... please help!

You're in a Religious Education class and haven't read the Bible?? Well, if you don't have a copy of one, then you have the link I already gave you below. Read the sections indicated if your assignment truly is to contrast the creation stories.

If you're studying different religions, then you'll need to use www.google.com to find other religious texts.

Genesis 1 and 2 are two chapters in the Bible, specifically in the book of Genesis. Genesis is the first book of both the Christian Old Testament and the Jewish Torah. It serves as an introduction to the Bible and contains stories about the creation of the world, the origin of humanity, and the early history of mankind.

In Genesis 1, the creation of the world is described in a structured, poetic manner. It covers the six days of creation, with each day focusing on a different aspect of God's creative work. This chapter highlights the order and majesty of God's creation, emphasizing his power and authority as the creator of all things.

In Genesis 2, the narrative focuses specifically on the creation of human beings. It provides a more detailed account of how God formed the first man (Adam) from the dust of the ground and created the first woman (Eve) from Adam's rib. This chapter also introduces the Garden of Eden and the commandments given to Adam and Eve.

Regarding your question about referring to God as 'Lord,' it is a common practice in many Bible translations to use the word 'Lord' as a substitute for the divine name of God, which is represented by four Hebrew letters (YHWH). This tradition originates from Jewish reverence for the sacredness of God's name and the practice of not pronouncing it aloud.

To have a better understanding of Genesis 1 and 2, I would recommend reading these chapters in a Bible translation of your choice. It's important to note that there are various translations available, so you can choose one that suits your reading style and preferences. As you read, you may also find it helpful to refer to study notes or commentaries alongside the text, as they can provide additional insights and explanations.