In my homework it asks me this: Use the letters below to answer this question: What is the FORCE behind Newton's laws? The letters are p s l o p r u u l h

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P s l o r u u l h

To answer the question, "What is the FORCE behind Newton's laws?", you can rearrange the given letters: p s l o p r u u l h. The word you need to form is "SUPPLORH". However, this word does not directly relate to Newton's laws or the force behind them.

To properly answer the question, you might want to check if any of the letters provided can be rearranged to form a relevant word or term such as "FORCE" or "LAWS." Unfortunately, the given letters do not contain the necessary letters to form such words.

Therefore, the answer to the homework question might be that the force behind Newton's laws is not represented by any combination of the provided letters. It is important to thoroughly read the question and carefully consider the given information in order to provide an accurate response.