so would it be better to place a wilted flower in tap water or distilled water?

I would say distilled water because it contains a lower cocnentration of solute than the flower and therefore the water would more easily diffuse into the flower. Tap water contains things like minerals and chlorine which would increase the amout of solute in the solution and would diffuse at a much slower rate. Therefore I think distilled water would be the best choice.

Does this makes sense? Should I add anything?

IT is OK for high school.

ok works for me

thank you :)

Yes, your explanation makes sense. To further enhance your explanation, you could mention that distilled water is pure water that has been stripped of impurities, such as minerals and chemicals, which could potentially harm the wilted flower. This lack of impurities in distilled water allows the flower to absorb water more effectively, aiding in its revitalization. On the other hand, tap water may contain additives like chlorine, which can be damaging to the flower. Therefore, using distilled water is generally considered the better option for reviving a wilted flower.