If the new, larger group of friends sells X shirts, how much profit will each friend receive?

To determine how much profit each friend will receive, we need to know the total profit and the number of friends in the group.

1. Obtain the total profit made from selling the shirts.
- This information may be available in a given scenario, such as through a provided figure or calculation. If not, you may need to gather data on the selling price, cost of production, and number of shirts sold to calculate the total profit.

2. Determine the number of friends in the group.
- If the number of friends is mentioned in the question or given as part of the scenario, note the value. Otherwise, you need to establish this information. For example, if the question mentions a larger group of friends, you may need to determine or estimate the number of friends in that group.

3. Divide the total profit by the number of friends to calculate the profit per friend.
- Divide the total profit obtained in step 1 by the number of friends in step 2.
- This calculation will give you the amount of profit that each friend will receive.

Without specific information about the total profit from selling the shirts and the number of friends involved, it is not possible to provide an exact answer.