if y is equal to the logarithm of x to the base 5, what is the logarithm of x to the base 25 in terms of y?

First, set up a practical example for yourself to get a feel for what happens. Put X=5, and calculate log(X) to base 5 and you'll get 1.0. If on the other hand you calculate log(X) to base 25, you'll get 0.5. Now try changing X to something else, say 12. log(12) to base 5 is 1.544, whereas log(12) to base 25 is 0.772. There's a pattern emerging here: try a few more examples, and then try to formulate a general rule. (You can calculate logs to any base you like using the log function in MS Excel, if you have access to it.)

log5 x = y , then 5^y = x

let log25 x = z
then 25^z = x
(5^2)^z = x
5^(2z) = x or log5 x = 2z

and z = (1/2)log5 x

so log25 x = (1/2)log5 x

Thank you.

My math teacher and I were having a dispute over this problem; he thought it was y-2. I knew it was y/2, thank's so much!!

To find the logarithm of x to the base 25 in terms of y, we can make use of the logarithmic property that allows us to change the base of a logarithm.

In this case, we have y = log₅(x). We want to find the logarithm of x to the base 25, which can be represented as log₂₅(x).

To convert log₅(x) to log₂₅(x), we need to express both logarithms in terms of a common base, such as the base 10.

Here's the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Express log₅(x) in terms of the common base 10.
- We know that logₐ(b) can be expressed in terms of the common logarithm, log₁₀(b), using the formula:
logₐ(b) = log₁₀(b) / log₁₀(a).

- In this case, we have y = log₅(x), so:
y = log₁₀(x) / log₁₀(5).

Step 2: Express log₂₅(x) in terms of the common base 10.
- We use the change of base formula:
logₐ(b) = logᵦ(b) / logᵦ(a).

- In this case, a = 5, b = 10, and x = 25 (because 25 is the base).
log₂₅(x) = log₁₀(25) / log₁₀(2).

Step 3: Substitute the values from Step 1 and Step 2 into the equation.
- We substitute y = log₁₀(x) / log₁₀(5) and log₂₅(x) = log₁₀(25) / log₁₀(2) into the equation.

log₂₅(x) = log₁₀(25) / log₁₀(2)
= (log₁₀(5²)) / (log₁₀(2))
= (2 * log₁₀(5)) / (log₁₀(2))

Step 4: Use the value of y to represent log₁₀(5).
- Since y = log₁₀(x) / log₁₀(5), we can rearrange the equation to solve for log₁₀(5):

log₁₀(5) = log₁₀(x) / y

Step 5: Substitute the value of log₁₀(5) into the previous equation.
- We substitute log₁₀(5) = log₁₀(x) / y into the equation from Step 3.

log₂₅(x) = (2 * log₁₀(5)) / (log₁₀(2))
= (2 * log₁₀(x) / y) / (log₁₀(2))
= (2 * log₁₀(x)) / (y * log₁₀(2))

Therefore, the logarithm of x to the base 25 in terms of y is (2 * log₁₀(x)) / (y * log₁₀(2)).