Explain in what way ideological beliefs and modern concerns for human rights and justice are challenging the traditional beliefs and practices of the communist state in China.

As you research and think about this question, consider that under Communism, the good of the individual is secondary to the good of the society and nation. Emphasis upon human rights puts the indidual first.


Ideological beliefs and modern concerns for human rights and justice pose significant challenges to the traditional beliefs and practices of the communist state in China. To understand how this is happening, let's break it down into three key aspects: ideological clash, evolving global norms, and internal pressure.

1. Ideological Clash:
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has long adhered to Marxist-Leninist ideology, which emphasizes collective ownership of resources and centralized control over the economy. However, ideological beliefs in other parts of the world, such as the principles of liberal democracy and individual rights, challenge these traditional communist ideals.

Western notions of human rights, freedom of expression, and equality clash with the Chinese state's strict control over media, internet censorship, and persecution of dissenting views. Modern concerns about political freedoms and individual rights, advocated globally by various organizations and governments, contradict the authoritarian nature of the Chinese regime.

2. Evolving Global Norms:
In recent decades, there has been increasing international consensus on human rights as a fundamental aspect of global governance. International organizations, such as the United Nations and its Universal Declaration of Human Rights, have promoted human rights norms that challenge the traditional beliefs and practices of the communist state in China.

As China becomes more integrated into the global community, it faces scrutiny and pressure to align its practices with these global norms. This can be seen through diplomatic engagements with other countries, trade agreements, and human rights dialogues, where issues such as political repression, censorship, and treatment of ethnic minorities are raised as concerns.

3. Internal Pressure:
Within China, there is a growing awareness and demand for human rights and justice among certain segments of society. Social media and increased access to information have allowed Chinese citizens to expose and critique injustices, leading to a rise in public activism and calls for reform.

This internal pressure can be witnessed in various forms, including the emergence of civil society organizations advocating for human rights and the legal profession demanding reforms to the judicial system. Issues like labor rights, environmental protection, gender equality, and freedom of speech are gaining traction among the Chinese population, challenging the traditional practices of the communist state.

In summary, ideological clashes between traditional communist beliefs and global norms, coupled with evolving modern concerns for human rights and justice, are posing substantial challenges to the traditional practices of the communist state in China. This is happening through the clash of different ideological frameworks, the growing influence of global norms, and the internal demands for change within Chinese society.