I am 11 years old. I need to write 3 sentences about the word "destiny," and why i believe in it? I kinda have an idea what it means, just need help putting it into words. Any ideas?

Please put into words what you do know about destiny. We can help you from there.

i know that destiny is fate or meant to be.


The deaths of Romeo and Juliet was their destiny.

What is your destiny?

I believe my destiny is to become a prayer warrior for people in need or have no hope.

Is that good?

That's a wonderful sentence -- and ambition!

Thank you Ms.Sue.Can i ask you what your destiny is?

My destiny was to marry, have three wonderful kids, and a rewarding career as a teacher.

I'm happy for you. Thank you for all your help. Be back soon. :)

Of course! "Destiny" is the belief that everything that happens in life is predetermined or has a specific purpose. Here are three sentences that can help you explain why you believe in destiny:

1. I believe in destiny because I feel that every person I meet and every experience I have is leading me towards a greater purpose.
To support this belief, think about the different people you have encountered in your life who have influenced you or helped you grow. Reflecting on these moments can help you explain why you believe in destiny.

2. Destiny gives me hope that no matter how challenging or uncertain things may seem, there is a bigger plan for me.
Consider moments in your life when you faced difficulties or uncertainties, and how those situations eventually led you to something positive or helped you learn valuable lessons. This reflection can strengthen your belief in destiny.

3. Believing in destiny makes me feel connected to something greater than myself and gives me a sense of purpose and direction in life.
Consider how your goals, dreams, and aspirations align with your belief in destiny. Think about the passion or the calling you feel inside, and how it leads you to certain activities, interests, or goals. This can help you explain why you believe in destiny.

Remember, these sentences should reflect your own thoughts and experiences. You can use them as a starting point and modify them to truly express your ideas and belief in destiny.