Y is the midpoint of line xz. Find the coordinates of the third point if z(2,8) and y(-1,6)

remember to get the midpoint, add the x's and divide by 2, and add the y's then divide by 2

so for the x:
(x+2)/2 = -1

solve for x

now do the same for the y

To find the coordinates of the third point, we need to use the fact that Y is the midpoint of line XZ.

The midpoint of a line can be found by taking the average of the coordinates of the two endpoints. In this case, we can use the coordinates of Y(-1, 6) and Z(2, 8) to find the midpoint.

To calculate the x-coordinate of the midpoint, we add the x-coordinates of Y and Z and divide by 2:
x-coordinate of midpoint = (x-coordinate of Y + x-coordinate of Z) / 2 = (-1 + 2) / 2 = 1 / 2 = 0.5

To calculate the y-coordinate of the midpoint, we add the y-coordinates of Y and Z and divide by 2:
y-coordinate of midpoint = (y-coordinate of Y + y-coordinate of Z) / 2 = (6 + 8) / 2 = 14 / 2 = 7

Therefore, the coordinates of the midpoint (third point) are (0.5, 7).