ok well... my prompt is

what is the artist's responsibility to right(correct) societal wrongs?

i'm just looking for some ideas to write about and how i should set it up because this prompt is giving me lots of trouble.

Most writers would probably say that correcting societal wrongs is not their main objective in their writing.

This looks like an opinion question, so you'd need to first write what YOU THINK about this topic. Then develop your paper from there.

Consider these writers:

Kate Chopin: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Awakening_(novel)

Langston Hughes:

Joel Rosenberg:

Mark Twain:

Mary Shelley:

Of course, there are umpteen others. Now what do you think?

I don't think an artist has any more or less responsibility to correct societal wrongs. We all can contribute in our own ways, though. Sonny Bono organized concerts to aid in African relief efforts. Painters have depicted horrific scenes that inspire the viewer to help right these wrongs.

ok thanks

and if i did go with the "not an artist's responsibility"... how much do i really have to write about if i went with that

Whatever it takes to prove your point. Are you writing an argument essay? Be sure to find out exactly how to write these. One excellent source is http://www.powa.org

Understanding the artist's responsibility to address societal wrongs is a complex and subjective topic. To approach it successfully, you can structure your essay or discussion by following these steps:

1. Introduction:
Start by introducing the topic of the artist's responsibility to address societal wrongs. Provide a brief overview of why this topic is significant and mention that it is a subject of ongoing debate.

2. Define key terms and concepts:
Clearly define the terms "artist," "responsibility," and "societal wrongs" in the context of your essay. This will ensure common understanding throughout your discussion.

3. Explore the purpose of art:
Discuss the primary purpose of art, which varies depending on the perspective you take. Some argue that art should be autonomous, focusing on aesthetics and personal expression. Others believe art should serve societal needs and act as a platform for change.

4. Historical examples:
Examine historical instances where artists have used their work to address societal wrongs. This could include movements such as political art, social realism, or protest art. Analyze the impact these artworks had on society and whether they succeeded in initiating change.

5. The power of symbolism and representation:
Discuss how artists have the ability to use symbolism and representation to shed light on societal issues and challenge existing norms. Explore how their works can evoke strong emotions, provoke thought, and raise awareness about certain problems.

6. Ethical considerations:
Delve into the ethical aspects of an artist's responsibility. Should artists feel obligated to address societal wrongs, or is their creative freedom more important? Discuss whether artists have a moral duty to represent marginalized voices and fight injustice.

7. Potential limitations:
Acknowledge the limitations artists may face when trying to address societal wrongs. Consider factors such as financial constraints, censorship, public reception, and the potential for misinterpretation that could hinder the effectiveness of their message.

8. Counterarguments:
Address counterarguments that suggest artists should not be responsible for addressing societal wrongs. This can include the notion that art should remain apolitical, that the artist's primary role is to entertain, or that social change is best pursued through other means.

9. Conclusion:
Summarize your main arguments and restate your position on the artist's responsibility to address societal wrongs. Emphasize the importance of continued dialogue and debates in shaping our understanding of this topic.

Remember, this is just a suggested structure. Feel free to adapt it according to your writing style, emphasizing the aspects that resonate with you the most. Best of luck with your essay!