Draw a number line. Make sure the following numbers are on your number line; 1,472; 1,560; 1,481

What is your question?

first arrange numbers from least to greatest. Then plot them on a number line

what is a polygon? name 4 polygons you know and list the charactertistics for each one.

what is a polygon? Name 4 polygons you know and list the charactertistics for each one.



To draw a number line with the given numbers, follow these steps:

1. Start by drawing a straight horizontal line. This will be your number line.
2. Choose a starting point on the left side of the line and label it with a lower number than the given numbers. Let's say you start with the number 1,400.
3. Choose an endpoint on the right side of the line and label it with a higher number than the given numbers. Let's say you end with the number 1,600.
4. Divide the space between the starting and ending points into equal intervals. You can use a ruler to make the intervals evenly spaced.
5. Label the intervals with the numbers between your starting and ending points. In this case, you would label the intervals with numbers like 1,410, 1,420, 1,430, and so on.
6. Mark the given numbers on the number line:
- Place a dot above the interval labeled 1,472.
- Place a dot above the interval labeled 1,560.
- Place a dot above the interval labeled 1,481.

Remember to label the starting and ending points on the number line and write the appropriate numbers above them.