Eduardo owned 6/7 of a family business. He sold 1/5 of the business to his son. wat portion of the business does he still own

Multiply: 6/7 * 4/5 = ?

To determine the portion of the business Eduardo still owns after selling a fraction of it to his son, we need to calculate the remaining fraction of the original ownership.

First, let's find out how much of the business Eduardo sold to his son. He sold 1/5 of the business.

To calculate the portion Eduardo still owns, we need to subtract the fraction that he sold from the original ownership.

Original ownership of Eduardo = 6/7
Fraction sold to his son = 1/5

To subtract fractions, we need to find a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator would be 7 * 5 = 35.

Now, let's convert the fractions to have a denominator of 35:

Original ownership of Eduardo = (6/7) * (5/5) = 30/35
Fraction sold to his son = (1/5) * (7/7) = 7/35

To find the portion Eduardo still owns, we subtract the fraction sold from the original ownership:

Remaining portion = Original ownership - Fraction sold
Remaining portion = 30/35 - 7/35 = 23/35

Therefore, Eduardo still owns 23/35 of the family business.