Ok so ive gotten this far on finding the points of (2004, 3370) and (2007, 3552)

can someone help me find out the equation in y=mx+b form please

The slope is m = (3552-3370)/(2007-2004) = 60 2/3 = 182/3

You can use the equation
3370 = (182/3)(2004)+ b
to solve for b
b = -118,206

y = (182/3)x - 118,206

thank you

To find the equation of a line in the form y = mx + b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the slope (m) using the formula:
m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

Given the points (2004, 3370) and (2007, 3552), we can assign:
x1 = 2004
y1 = 3370
x2 = 2007
y2 = 3552

Substituting these values into the slope formula:
m = (3552 - 3370) / (2007 - 2004)
m = 182 / 3

Therefore, the slope (m) = 182 / 3.

Step 2: Find the y-intercept (b) using the formula:
b = y - mx

You can choose either of the given points to substitute into this formula. Let's use (2004, 3370):
x = 2004
y = 3370
m = 182 / 3

Substituting these values into the y-intercept formula:
b = 3370 - (182 / 3) * 2004

Simplify the equation:
b ≈ 11117.33 or 11117 1/3

Therefore, the y-intercept (b) ≈ 11117.33.

Step 3: Put the slope (m) and y-intercept (b) into the y = mx + b equation:

Now that we have the slope (m) = 182 / 3 and y-intercept (b) ≈ 11117.33, we can write the equation of the line:
y = (182 / 3) * x + 11117.33

So, the equation of the line in y = mx + b form is:
y = (182 / 3) * x + 11117.33