i have these letters -

e e i t x d s y a
and i need to make a seven or eight word from them, if anyone can help it would be briliant thank you.

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here are 2 7-letter words:


Lots of 6-letter words but I can't think of one with 8 letters!


But I thought you were to use those letters, without adding any?


To solve this problem, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by identifying all possible combinations of the given letters.
2. Arrange the combinations into words.
3. Check if the words contain seven or eight letters.

Here's a possible solution using the given letters "e e i t x d s y a":

1. List all possible combinations:
- e
- e i
- e t
- e x
- e d
- e s
- e y
- e a
- i t
- i x
- i d
- i s
- i y
- i a
- t x
- t d
- t s
- t y
- t a
- x d
- x s
- x y
- x a
- d s
- d y
- d a
- s y
- s a
- y a

2. Arrange the combinations into words:
- eat
- exit
- edits
- taxes
- ideas
- days
- says
- sat
- six
- sad

3. Check if the words contain seven or eight letters:
- "edits" (six letters)
- "taxes" (five letters)
- "ideas" (five letters)
- "six" (three letters)
- "sad" (three letters)
- No words found with exactly seven or eight letters.

Unfortunately, with the given letters, there are no words that contain exactly seven or eight letters. The closest option is the word "edits," which has six letters.