Im sooo confused!! can someone please help me step by step??

In a 4- team tournament, the winner gets 1/2 of the proceeds, the second-place team gets 1/4 of the proceeds, and the remaining proceeds are shared equally among the other two teams. Write the expression that shows what portion of the procedds p each team will receive.

the first two places, get 1/2 +1/4, or 3/4 of the proceeds. That leaves 1/4 for the other two teams

each team gets=1/4 *1/2 Proceeds

so what would the expression be?

Certainly! Let's break down the problem step by step to find the expression that shows what portion of the proceeds each team will receive in a 4-team tournament.

Step 1: Determine the total portion of the proceeds that the winner will receive.
According to the problem, the winner gets 1/2 of the proceeds. So, the expression for the winner's portion is 1/2 * p, where p represents the total proceeds.

Step 2: Determine the total portion of the proceeds that the second-place team will receive.
According to the problem, the second-place team gets 1/4 of the proceeds. So, the expression for the second-place team's portion is 1/4 * p, where p represents the total proceeds.

Step 3: Determine the total portion of the proceeds that the remaining two teams will share equally.
The remaining proceeds after giving the winner and the second-place team their portions will be shared equally among the other two teams. Since there are two remaining teams, each team will receive an equal portion. So, the expression for the portion of each remaining team is (1 - 1/2 - 1/4) * p, which simplifies to (1/4) * p.

Therefore, the expression that shows what portion of the proceeds each team will receive is:
Winner's portion: 1/2 * p
Second-place team's portion: 1/4 * p
Remaining teams' portion: (1/4) * p

Please note that the expressions mentioned above represent the portions of the proceeds for each respective team in a 4-team tournament.