during which twenty year period did the native american population of central mexico fall by around four million?

The native American population of central Mexico fell by around four million during the period from 1519 to 1539. This time frame corresponds to the arrival of Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés in Mexico and the ensuing conquest and colonization of the region.

To determine the twenty-year period during which the Native American population of Central Mexico fell by around four million, we can follow these steps:

1. Identify the historical period when this population decline occurred. The most significant decrease in the Native American population of Central Mexico took place during the Spanish colonization of the region, particularly due to the impact of diseases, forced labor, warfare, and other factors.

2. Determine the approximate timeframe of this population decline. Historical sources suggest that the most intense period of population loss was between the early 1500s and the mid-1600s, with the most significant decline occurring in the first hundred years after the arrival of the Spanish.

3. Calculate the specific twenty-year period within that timeframe. If we consider the early 1500s as the starting point and the mid-1600s as the endpoint, we can subtract twenty years from the latter to find the range. Thus, the twenty-year period during which the Native American population of Central Mexico fell by around four million would be approximately from the mid-1540s to the mid-1560s.

Please note that while this timeframe provides an estimate based on historical information, the population decline was not a linear process and could have varied in intensity throughout the entire period.

I assume this question about a chart or graph that you have -- but we do not have access to.