What city lies on 35.5 degrees north latitude?

Hint: The land of the samurai.

What is the longitude?

Check this map. Note that the city is the capital of this country.


To find the city that lies on 35.5 degrees north latitude, we can use a map or an online mapping tool. One popular mapping tool is Google Maps.

To find the city on Google Maps, follow these steps:

1. Open your web browser and go to Google Maps (maps.google.com).
2. In the search bar, enter the latitude and longitude coordinates you have: 35.5, longitude (unknown in this case).
3. Press Enter or click on the search button.

The search results will show you the city that lies on 35.5 degrees north latitude. Based on the hint "The land of the samurai," the city is likely Tokyo, Japan. However, without the longitude coordinate, we cannot be certain of the exact location.

To find the longitude coordinate for the same city, you can follow these steps:

1. Open Google Maps again.
2. In the search bar, enter the city name you found earlier (Tokyo in this case).
3. Press Enter or click on the search button.

The search results will show you the location of the city on the map, including the latitude and longitude coordinates. Look for the longitude coordinate to find the answer to your question.

Please note that the results may vary slightly depending on the map or mapping tool you use, but following these steps should help you find the answer.