what is the part of speech for the phrase

in spite of
used in the sentence
Inspite of what happend yesterday, lets be friends.

"In spite of" is a prepostion.

The phrase "in spite of" is a prepositional phrase typically used to show contrast or opposition between two ideas. In this specific sentence, "in spite of" is functioning as a preposition.

To identify the part of speech for a specific phrase like "in spite of," you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Identify the phrase: In this case, the phrase is "in spite of."

Step 2: Determine the function: In this case, "in spite of" is functioning as a preposition.

A preposition is a part of speech that typically shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another element in the sentence. It often indicates location, direction, time, or the relationship between ideas.

In summary, the phrase "in spite of" is acting as a preposition in the sentence you provided.