can someone tell me what this article is about? just type it in google- I don't really understand it. What I got from it is that Mcain is sort of going back on what he said years ago but i don't really get it. McCain Embraces Regulation After Many Years of Opposition

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. How are we to find that article? Cut and paste will not work here but I'll try the GOOGLE and what looks like the title.


Yes, you have the general idea. Formerly he encouraged "risk taking" and now sees that many clients got in great difficulty. Many people look for "easy money" not thinking about what might happen. It's always best to do research before investing!


Here's the article:

Ten years ago Senator McCain did not want the government to have any control of banking and insurance companies. He believed that businesses did not need to be supervised by the government.

Now he's changed his mind because these businesses went wild and ended up losing tons of money. He wants the government to police and control these financial companies.

thank-you! i thought i posted the article but it looks like i didnt...

To get a clear understanding of the article, you can follow these steps:

1. Open your preferred web browser.
2. Go to the Google homepage by typing "" in the address bar.
3. In the search bar, type the headline or a portion of it: "McCain Embraces Regulation After Many Years of Opposition."
4. Press the Enter key or click the 'Google Search' button.
5. Look for search results that seem relevant to news articles or summaries.
6. Several links should appear which may include news websites or sections referencing Senator John McCain.

By clicking on one of the search results, you will likely be directed to a website with the article you are seeking. This resource will provide you with an in-depth explanation of the topic and clarify the details you are looking for.