I have to write a narrative essay about a time when i had to do something that went against my beliefs or convictions.

I thought about it for like an hour, but I can't figure out a decent example.
Can anyone tell me an example so I can understant what kind of topic would work?


Have you ever lied to your mom? Your grandmom?

Lied to your teacher?
Broke a rule?

No one is without Sin.

This would be difficult for someone else to do, as who would know your beliefs or convictions. Perhaps it could be you don't think you should have homework on the weekends or during vacation, but someone assigned it anyway?


Here is a personal example:

In high school, I went bowling with my boyfriend and some other friends. I knew my parents wanted to know where I was going and when I'd be back -- and usually they set the time when I was to be back! But that night, the bowling alley was too full, so we decided to go somewhere else. Immediately, I started having a very uneasy feeling (that was realization I was going "against my beliefs or convictions"), and at that point I should probably have called home, but I didn't, and that was my mistake. We went about 20 miles away to see a movie, and I didn't get home until well past my curfew. My father was furious, and I knew it was my fault. He grounded me anyway, and that stung, but I knew I had it coming. Obeying my parents' rules was not to be questioned, and I had known that for years!

i need help!!!!

When thinking about a topic for your narrative essay, it can be helpful to reflect on personal experiences that challenged your beliefs or convictions. Here's an example that might inspire your own story:

Topic: The Decision to Participate in a School Protest

Explanation: Think of an instance where you were faced with a situation that conflicted with your beliefs or convictions. In this scenario, imagine you strongly value maintaining order and structure in your school environment. However, an issue arises that you feel is important and needs attention, and your classmates organize a protest to advocate for change. This could be anything from demanding more inclusive curriculum to improved safety measures. At first, you're torn because you believe in the importance of maintaining a peaceful learning environment, but you're also passionate about the cause. Finally, you make the difficult decision to actively participate in the protest, despite it going against your initial beliefs.

Using this example, you can craft a narrative essay by briefly introducing your beliefs and convictions at the beginning. Describe the event or situation that challenged these beliefs, including the context and the reasons behind the protest. Outline your internal conflict as you weigh the importance of your convictions against your desire for change. Then, explore the process leading up to your decision to participate and how it affected your perspective. Reflect on the consequences, both positive and negative, of going against your initial beliefs. Finally, conclude the essay by reflecting on the growth and understanding you gained from this experience.

Remember, your narrative essay should be based on a personal experience that you can relate to, so adapt this example to your own life and beliefs. Good luck with your writing!