using coins from home, build a design with mirror symmetry on student sheet 5, Half and half. Then answer the following questions.Build side A of your design on one side of the sheet, hal and half.

Amount of $ side a is worth and how much the whole design is worth?

To build side A of the design with mirror symmetry, you will need to arrange coins on one side of student sheet 5 in a way that has mirror symmetry. Mirror symmetry means that when you fold the sheet in half, the design on one side will be exactly the same as the design on the other side.

Once you have built side A of the design, you can determine the amount of money it is worth by looking at the value of each coin used. Different coins have different values, so you will need to assign a value to each coin based on its denomination.

For example, if you use quarters ($0.25), dimes ($0.10), nickels ($0.05), and pennies ($0.01), you would count the number of each coin you used on side A and then multiply that by their respective values.

Let's say you used 5 quarters, 3 dimes, 2 nickels, and 4 pennies on side A. The calculation would be:

(5 quarters x $0.25) + (3 dimes x $0.10) + (2 nickels x $0.05) + (4 pennies x $0.01) = $1.25 + $0.30 + $0.10 + $0.04 = $1.69

Therefore, side A of your design is worth $1.69.

To determine the value of the whole design, you would need to build side B of the design on the other side of the sheet, mirroring the arrangement of coins used on side A. Once side B is complete, you can repeat the process of counting and multiplying the value of each coin to find the total value.

If side B is identical to side A in terms of the number and denomination of coins used, then the value of the whole design would be $1.69 + $1.69 = $3.38.

Note: Make sure to adjust the values of the coins used based on their actual denominations in your currency.