What is 2 x (4 to the power of 2) - 12 + 5 ?


2x16 - 12 + 5
32-12+5= ?


it = 25

and do u mean PEMDAS?

2*(4TO THE2 POWER= 15

To find the solution to the expression 2 x (4^2) - 12 + 5, we need to follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS or BODMAS.

1. First, we need to evaluate the part inside the parentheses: 4^2.
To do this, we raise 4 to the power of 2, which means multiplying 4 by itself: 4 x 4 = 16.

2. Next, we multiply the result from step 1 by 2, as indicated by the expression 2 x (4^2): 2 x 16 = 32.

3. Now, we subtract 12 from the result obtained in step 2: 32 - 12 = 20.

4. Finally, we add 5 to the result from step 3: 20 + 5 = 25.

Therefore, the solution to the expression 2 x (4^2) - 12 + 5 is 25.