
wut is n

wut is x

wut is y



Distribute the 7: 7n+7-4n=4
Combine like terms (n): 3n+7=4
Subtract the 7 on both sides: 3n=-3
Divide by 3: n=-1

Distribute the 5: 8=3+5y-10
Subtract: 8=-7+5y
Add the 7 to the other side: 15=5y
Divide by 5: y=3

Distribute both terms: 2x-6+3x-3=-5
Subtract and add: 5x-9=-5
Add 9: 5x=4
Divide by 5: x=4/5


7n + 7 - 4n = 4
3n = -3
n = -1

-7x + 21 = -14
-7x = -35

8 = 3 + 5y - 10

2x -6 + 3x - 3 = -5
5x = 4
x= 4/5

To find the value of the variable in each equation, you need to isolate the variable on one side of the equation. Here's how you can solve each equation step-by-step:

1. 7(n+1) - 4n = 4
Start by distributing the 7:
7n + 7 - 4n = 4
Combine like terms:
7n - 4n + 7 = 4
3n + 7 = 4
Now, isolate the variable by subtracting 7 from both sides:
3n + 7 - 7 = 4 - 7
3n = -3
Divide both sides by 3 to solve for n:
n = -3 / 3
n = -1

Therefore, the value of n in the equation 7(n+1) - 4n = 4 is -1.

2. -7(x-3) = -14
Start by distributing the -7:
-7x + 21 = -14
Now, isolate the variable by subtracting 21 from both sides:
-7x + 21 - 21 = -14 - 21
-7x = -35
Divide both sides by -7 to solve for x:
x = -35 / -7
x = 5

Therefore, the value of x in the equation -7(x-3) = -14 is 5.

3. 8 = 3 + 5(y-2)
Start by simplifying the equation:
8 = 3 + 5y - 10
Combine like terms:
8 = -7 + 5y
Now, isolate the variable by adding 7 to both sides:
8 + 7 = -7 + 7 + 5y
15 = 5y
Divide both sides by 5 to solve for y:
y = 15 / 5
y = 3

Therefore, the value of y in the equation 8 = 3 + 5(y-2) is 3.

4. 2(x-3) + 3(x-1) = -5
Start by distributing the coefficients:
2x - 6 + 3x - 3 = -5
Combine like terms:
5x - 9 = -5
Now, isolate the variable by adding 9 to both sides:
5x - 9 + 9 = -5 + 9
5x = 4
Divide both sides by 5 to solve for x:
x = 4 / 5

Therefore, the value of x in the equation 2(x-3) + 3(x-1) = -5 is 4/5.