Identify an important difference that tended to exist between native born Americans and some or all of the new immigrants around the turn of the century.

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An important difference that tended to exist between native-born Americans and new immigrants around the turn of the century was their cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

To get a clearer understanding of this difference, you can start by exploring the historical context of the time period. The turn of the century refers to the late 19th and early 20th centuries when there was a significant influx of immigrants to the United States. Many of these immigrants came from countries in Eastern and Southern Europe, such as Italy, Poland, Russia, and Greece, seeking better economic opportunities and escaping political instability.

To delve deeper into this topic, you can examine primary and secondary sources, such as historical records, personal narratives, government reports, and scholarly articles. These sources will provide specific examples and evidence of the cultural and linguistic differences between native-born Americans and immigrants.

Additionally, you can compare and contrast the cultural practices, traditions, and religions of native-born Americans with those of the new immigrants during that time. Native-born Americans generally traced their roots back to England, Scotland, Ireland, or Western European countries, and their primary language was English. On the other hand, new immigrants often spoke different languages, such as Italian, Polish, Yiddish, or various Slavic languages, and they brought with them diverse cultural customs and religious practices.

Furthermore, you can also explore how these cultural and linguistic differences impacted interactions and relationships between native-born Americans and new immigrants. This can include examining any social or economic tensions that may have arisen due to these differences, as well as the role of organizations and institutions in assimilating or preserving these cultural variations.

By conducting thorough research and analysis, you can gain insight into the important difference that tended to exist between native-born Americans and new immigrants around the turn of the century, enriching your understanding of this historical period in American history.