what part of a map contains info on what the map's symbols mean?

Map key

The Map Key or Legend.

(I'm not sure if I spelled that right)

How do mapmakers create different types of map projection

The part of a map that contains information about what the map's symbols mean is called the map legend or map key. The legend is typically located in a corner of the map, often in the lower right-hand corner. It provides a key to understanding the symbols, colors, or patterns that are used on the map.

To find the legend on a map, you can follow these steps:

1. Look for a box or section specifically labeled as "Legend" or "Map Key."
2. If there is no labeled section, scan the map's corners to find any related symbols or text.
3. If the legend is not easily visible, check for any arrows or annotations that may indicate where it is located.
4. If none of the above methods work, you can consult the map's index or table of contents, which may provide information on where to find the legend.

Once you have located the legend, you can refer to it to understand the meaning of various symbols used on the map, such as landmarks, roads, bodies of water, elevation contours, or other features. The legend is an essential tool for interpreting and understanding the information presented on a map.