How do you quote something with no aurhor. Doing an essay on Breast Cancer. My topic is What is Breast Cancer. Need to choose a well-stated idea and use a verb to introduce the quotation. Cited Source is "Breast Cancer" SICK! Diseases and Disorders, Injuries and Infections. Online Edition. Detroit: U*X*L,2008. Can anyone help please need asap.

To quote something with no author, such as the article "Breast Cancer" from SICK! Diseases and Disorders, Injuries and Infections, you can use the title of the article as the author. In your essay on Breast Cancer, when you want to include a well-stated idea from the article, you can introduce the quotation by using a verb that describes how the idea is presented.

Here are the steps to quote and cite the idea properly:

1. Read through the article "Breast Cancer" and identify a well-stated idea that you want to include in your essay. Make sure it supports your topic, "What is Breast Cancer?"

2. Once you have chosen the idea, introduce it in your essay by using a verb. For example, you could say, "According to the article 'Breast Cancer,' the author states that..." or "The article 'Breast Cancer' presents the idea that..."

3. After introducing the quotation, use quotation marks (") to surround the exact words or phrase you are quoting from the article. Make sure to include any necessary punctuation marks that are part of the quotation.

4. Immediately after the quotation, include an in-text citation. Since the source you are using is an online edition of SICK! Diseases and Disorders, Injuries and Infections, you can include the title of the article in quotation marks, followed by the book title in italics. Add the publication year (2008) and the page number if applicable (e.g., para. 4 for a paragraph).

For example:

According to the article "Breast Cancer," the author states that "Breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed in women worldwide" (SICK! Diseases and Disorders, Injuries and Infections, 2008).

Remember to always check with your instructor or follow the citation style guide provided by your school to ensure proper formatting and citation guidelines for your essay.