I need to say what is funny about this poem:- thankyou

The writer of this poem Is taller than a tree As keen as the North Wind As handsome as can be
As bold as a boxing glove As sharp as a nib As strong as scaffolding As tricky as a fib
As smooth as a lolly-ice As quick as a lick As clean as a chemist -shop As clever as a ( picture of an upright rectangle)
The writer of this poem Never ceases to amaze He`s one in a million billion ( or so this poem says ! )

What makes YOU smile in this poem?

I really liked the simile " As quick as a lick". I have a dog that can lick quicker than I can blink an eye... =)

Also remember that the write is describing HIMSELF!

thanks for your help i understood it better thanks again

To understand what is funny about this poem, we can analyze the use of exaggerated comparisons and nonsensical descriptions. The humor in this poem stems from the playful and absurd comparisons made by the writer. Here's how you can explain it:

1. Exaggerated Comparisons: The humor in this poem lies in the exaggerated comparisons made by the writer. For example, saying that the writer is "taller than a tree" or "as keen as the North Wind" creates a humorous effect because it's unrealistic and unexpected. These exaggerated comparisons highlight the writer's larger-than-life qualities and add a comical twist to the poem.

2. Nonsensical Descriptions: Another source of humor in this poem is the nonsensical or unconventional descriptions used. Phrases like "as strong as scaffolding," "as smooth as a lolly-ice," or "as clean as a chemist-shop" are unexpected and create a humorous contrast between the writer's qualities and unrelated objects. These nonsensical descriptions add a playful and imaginative element to the poem, making it funny.

3. Use of Rhyme and Wordplay: The poem also incorporates rhyme and wordplay to enhance its humor. Lines like "As clever as a (picture of an upright rectangle)" play with the reader's expectations and create a humorous moment of confusion. The poem follows a consistent rhyme scheme, which adds to its rhythmic and comedic effect.

Overall, the humor in this poem arises from the use of exaggerated comparisons, nonsensical descriptions, and playful wordplay. By employing these techniques, the writer creates a lighthearted and amusing tone, making the reader smile or laugh at the outrageous qualities attributed to the writer.