Review Ch. 10 and 11 of your text, then complete the following:

Provide at least three freshwater and three ocean water resource challenges by filling in the following table.

I have each of the three sources but I am unsure what they mean by "description" can someone help please

You probably need to describe these challenges -- tell what they are, why they exist -- and maybe some possible solutions.

can i put like the definition?


Certainly! In this context, "description" refers to providing a brief explanation or summary of each freshwater and ocean water resource challenge. It is essentially a written explanation of what makes each challenge significant or problematic.

For example, if one of the freshwater challenges is "Water Pollution," a possible description might be:

Description: Water pollution refers to the contamination of freshwater sources, such as rivers, lakes, and underground aquifers, with harmful substances. This can include pollutants like industrial waste, agricultural runoff, and untreated sewage, which negatively impact the quality and safety of the water supply.

Similarly, for an ocean water challenge, such as "Overfishing," the description could be:

Description: Overfishing refers to the excessive harvesting of fish species beyond their reproductive capacity, leading to a decline in their population. This unsustainable practice disrupts marine ecosystems, affects biodiversity, and can result in the collapse of fish stocks. Overfishing also has significant economic and social implications for communities who rely on fishing as a livelihood.

By providing clear and concise descriptions for each freshwater and ocean water resource challenge, you are effectively explaining the nature and impact of these challenges.