a entrepreneur is a person who can undertake a commercial venture. what are 6 characteristics of this person


I would add to those ten characteristics having the ability to evaluate and manipulate others.

This lovely word has been borrowed from the French.

entre = between; among; in, into
preneur = taker, buyer

The feminine form is entrepreneuse, however we don't use that.

Here is what my dictionary says:

Main Entry: en·tre·pre·neur
Pronunciation: "änn-tr&-p(r)&-'n&r, -'n(y)ur
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Old French, from entreprendre to undertake —more at ENTERPRISE
Date: 1852
: one who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise
- en·tre·pre·neur·ial /-'n(y)ur-E-&l, -'n&r-/ adjective
- en·tre·pre·neur·ial·ism /-E-&-li-z&m/ noun
- en·tre·pre·neur·ial·ly /-E-&-lE/ adverb
- en·tre·pre·neur·ship /-'n&r-"ship, -'n(y)ur-/ noun


An entrepreneur is an individual who can undertake a commercial venture with certain characteristics that set them apart. Here are six common qualities associated with entrepreneurs:

1. Passion and Motivation: Entrepreneurs have a genuine enthusiasm for what they do, and they are highly motivated to succeed. They possess a strong drive that keeps them focused and persevering despite challenges.

2. Creativity and Innovation: Entrepreneurs are great at generating new ideas and thinking outside the box. They have an innate ability to identify opportunities and come up with unique solutions to problems.

3. Risk-taking and Resilience: Entrepreneurs are not afraid to take calculated risks. They understand that setbacks are part of the process and are prepared to bounce back from failure.

4. Leadership and Vision: Entrepreneurs possess strong leadership skills and the ability to inspire and motivate others. They have a clear vision of where they want to take their venture and are capable of articulating this vision to their team.

5. Adaptability and Flexibility: Entrepreneurs are quick to adapt to changing circumstances and market conditions. They are flexible and open to making adjustments to their business strategies as needed.

6. Persistence and Determination: Entrepreneurs have a tenacious spirit and a never-give-up attitude. They are willing to put in the hard work and make sacrifices to achieve their goals.

To identify these characteristics in an entrepreneur, one can assess their background, track record, achievements, and the way they approach their business and decision-making process. This evaluation can be done through interviews, reviewing their business plans, examining their past ventures, and seeking feedback from colleagues and partners.