Does anyone hae an idea of where I could look for the moral of this fable

Sounds too good to be true, to me!!

I Googled it, and found nothing useful.

To find the moral of a fable, there are a few avenues you can explore:

1. Read the fable carefully: Start by thoroughly understanding the story itself. Pay attention to the characters, their actions, and the events that unfold. Often, the moral of a fable is directly related to these elements.

2. Reflect on the fable's themes: Identify the underlying themes or messages conveyed in the fable. Consider what ideas or values the story promotes or critiques. This can give you valuable insights into the intended moral.

3. Analyze the actions and consequences: Fables typically involve characters who make choices and face the consequences of those choices. Look closely at the actions taken by the characters and the outcomes they experience. Reflect on any lessons that can be derived from these sequences.

4. Explore common fable morals: Fables often convey universal truths or lessons about human nature and behavior. Familiarize yourself with common morals found in fables, such as honesty, kindness, perseverance, and the consequences of greed or arrogance. Compare these common morals to the themes present in the fable you're analyzing.

5. Consider historical or cultural context: Some fables have specific morals rooted in the time or culture in which they were written. Research the background or origins of the fable to gain a deeper understanding of its moral message.

Overall, analyzing the characters, themes, actions, consequences, and context of a fable should help you identify its moral. Remember that fables often provide moral lessons for readers to contemplate and apply to their own lives.