Which one of the following items is an example of a symbol in "Bernice Bobs Her Hair

Unfinished question??

You didn't give any of the "following items."


Bernice Bobs Her Hair":
Bernice Bobs Her Hair - GIF images of pages from the first edition of Flappers and Philosophers containing the story, from Digital Sources Center, Michigan State University Libraries.
Bernice Bobs Her Hair: Introduction Page - from the F. Scott Fitzgerald Centenary website, includes the full text of the story and artwork from its original appearance in The Saturday Evening Post. another online text
Modern Literature - Jazz Age - "Bernice Bobs Her Hair" - slide presentation to introduce the story, by Teresa Boylan.
Essays containing commentary on "Bernice Bobs Her Hair":
Bernice Bobs Her Hair - 1976 movie:
Internet Movie Database (IMDb)
"Bernice Bobs Her Hair" - The Divine Comedy's song lyrics based on the story--from the Liberation CD.

To identify a symbol in the story "Bernice Bobs Her Hair," we need to first understand what a symbol is. A symbol is an object, person, or event used in literature to represent a deeper or more significant meaning beyond its literal interpretation.

To determine which of the following items is a symbol in "Bernice Bobs Her Hair," we need to examine the story and identify any recurring motifs or images that carry symbolic significance.

Here are the options:

A) A pair of scissors
B) A mirror
C) A hair salon
D) A letter

To find the symbol, we can reread the story and pay attention to any instances where these items are mentioned or play a significant role. Look for patterns or connections between these items and the overall themes or character development in the story.

For example, in "Bernice Bobs Her Hair," the pair of scissors represents Bernice's decision to change her appearance and take control of her own destiny. The act of cutting her hair symbolizes her transformation from a timid, social outcast to a confident woman seeking acceptance and validation from others.

By analyzing the text and looking for contextual clues, we can determine that option A) A pair of scissors is an example of a symbol in "Bernice Bobs Her Hair."