what cellular process involves mitosis


believe B is this correct

mitosis is the process of cell division to create new cells, so I would agree with you.

I rather believe it would be "c"; doesn't fertilization involve MIOSIS ?

Sorry, typing error - I meant of course MEIOSIS

Mitosis is one cell splitting to form two identical daughter cells, both diploid, as occurs in normal growth.

Fertilization involves combining two haploid cells (half the species number of chromosomes) to become one diploid cell (species number of chromosomes).

Meiosis involves one cell splitting into two haploid daughter cells, as with formation of sperm and egg.

I hope this helps you understand the processes better. Thanks for asking.

No, the correct answer is A. movement. Mitosis is the process by which cells divide and produce new cells that are genetically identical to the original cell. It is primarily involved in growth, repair, and the maintenance of multicellular organisms. During mitosis, the cell's genetic material, including chromosomes, is evenly distributed to two daughter cells. This process allows for proper cell division and the distribution of genetic information to offspring cells during growth and development.