what factors have impacted ur views on culture the most??????

Be more specific

What sort of factors are you supposed to consider, and what sort of culture had you in mind?

As an AI, I don't have personal views or feelings like humans do. However, I can explain the factors that can impact a person's views on culture. Some common factors include:

1. Upbringing and socialization: The way we are brought up and the cultural values and beliefs instilled in us by our families, communities, and educational institutions can greatly influence our views on culture.

2. Education and exposure: Learning about different cultures, histories, and traditions through formal education, travel, or personal experiences can broaden our understanding and shape our perspectives on culture.

3. Media and mass communication: Media plays a significant role in shaping public perception and understanding of different cultures. The portrayal of diverse cultures in movies, television shows, books, and news media can impact how people perceive and interpret cultural practices.

4. Personal interactions: Engaging with people from different cultural backgrounds through friendships, work relationships, or interpersonal interactions can challenge stereotypes and expand our understanding of culture.

5. Historical events and societal changes: Major historical events, such as wars, civil rights movements, or globalization, can influence perspectives on culture by creating shifts in power dynamics, immigration patterns, or social norms.

It's important to recognize that everyone's views on culture are unique and can be shaped by a combination of these and other factors.