what are two main functions of criminal law


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The two main functions of criminal law are to maintain social order and to protect individual rights and safety. Criminal law serves as a framework for society by defining behaviors that are considered to be criminal offenses and prescribing punishments for those who commit such offenses. It helps maintain social order by discouraging people from engaging in harmful or disruptive activities.

To understand these functions, we can break down how criminal law operates:

1. Maintaining social order: One function of criminal law is to deter criminal behavior and maintain societal stability. By defining certain acts as crimes and establishing penalties for their commission, criminal law sends a clear message that certain behaviors are not tolerated in society. The threat of punishment acts as a deterrent, discouraging potential offenders from engaging in criminal activities.

2. Protecting individual rights and safety: Another important function of criminal law is to protect the rights, safety, and well-being of individuals. Criminal laws set boundaries and establish consequences for actions that infringe upon the rights and safety of others. They serve as a mechanism for seeking justice and holding individuals accountable for their actions when they cause harm or pose a threat to society.

It is important to note that criminal law varies between jurisdictions, as it is defined by the legal systems of different countries or states. The specific functions and principles of criminal law may differ, but the overall aim remains to maintain social order and protect individual rights and safety.