Rounding to the nearest hundredth.Would 0.551 be rounded to 0.600?

You've rounded it to the nearest tenth.

Check this site for information about rounding decimals.

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You don't seem to understand what is the tenths place, the hundredths place. etc.

On the left side of the decimal,
1 is the units place.
10 the 1 is in the tens place.
100 the 1 is in the hundreds place.

On the right side of the decimal,
0.1, the 1 is the tenths place.
0.01, the 1 is in the hundredths place.
0.001, the 1 is in the thousandths place.
So in the number 0.551, a five is in the tenths place, the next 5 is in the hundredths place, and the 1 is in the thousandths place. Therefore, to round to the hundredth, that means the second 5. So we look at the next number to the right, it is a 1, the 1 is less than 5 so it is dropped, and the answer is 0.55

what is greater5.7 or 5.69

what do u do when u have to round the demials with a nine? Thanks!Bye!


To determine whether 0.551 would be rounded to 0.600, you need to consider the place value you are rounding to.

Rounding to the nearest hundredth means rounding to the second decimal place. In this case, the hundredth place is the nearest place to round to.

To round the number, follow these steps:
1. Look at the digit immediately to the right of the hundredth place, which is the thousandth place in this case.
- If the digit in the thousandth place is 5 or greater, you round up.
- If the digit in the thousandth place is less than 5, you do not round up.

In this case, the digit in the thousandth place is 1, which is less than 5. Therefore, you do not round up the number 0.551.

So, 0.551 would not be rounded to 0.600. It remains as 0.551 when rounded to the nearest hundredth.