explain how to compute the xy term of the product (3x-4y)^2?

if possible with solution please.... its urgent

(3x-4y)² = (3x-4y)(3x-4y)

To get the xy term, just multiply each term in the first bracket by each term in the second, and add together all the terms in xy that you find. You should get...

9x² - 12xy - 12xy + 16y².

So just add the two xy terms together.

You could use FOIL (first, outer,inner last) giving what David Q. said

You could use the distributive property
(amounts to the same thing really)
3x(3x-4y) -4y(3x-4y)
that makes it clear that the xy terms ar
-12xy-12xy = -24xy
which we already knew of course.

thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks so much!!!!!!!!!

To compute the xy term of the product (3x - 4y)^2, you will need to expand the square of the binomial. The xy term is obtained when you multiply the x term in the first binomial with the y term in the second binomial, and vice versa.

Here is the step-by-step solution:

1. Start by writing out the square of the first binomial:
(3x - 4y)^2 = (3x - 4y)(3x - 4y)

2. Multiply the terms in the first binomial with the terms in the second binomial:
= (3x * 3x) + (3x * -4y) + (-4y * 3x) + (-4y * -4y)

3. Simplify each term:
= 9x^2 - 12xy - 12xy + 16y^2

4. Combine like terms:
= 9x^2 - 24xy + 16y^2

Therefore, the xy term of the product (3x - 4y)^2 is -24xy.

Note: This solution assumes multiplication properties and basic algebraic manipulation.