What is the approximate value of the solution after 1.75 if it is 19 degree celcius at 1.5 and 24 degree celcius at 2.0 minute?

Do you mean what is the approximate value of the "temperature" after ......? And is the 1.75 and 2.0 minutes or some other number. Here is the way to interpolate between what you know.

19o C at 1.5 minutes
??o C at 1.75 minutes.
24o C at 2.0 minutes.
Hint: Note that the 1.75 is exactly half way between 1.5 and 2.0, so wouldn't the temperature be about halfway between 19 and 24?

Thanks a lot

To find the approximate value of the solution after 1.75 minutes based on the given temperature values at 1.5 and 2.0 minutes, we can use interpolation.

Interpolation is a method used to estimate values within a given set of data points. In this case, we will be estimating the temperature at 1.75 minutes based on the data at 1.5 and 2.0 minutes.

To perform linear interpolation, we need to determine the rate of change (slope) between the two known data points. We can do this by calculating the difference in temperature and time between the two points.

Change in temperature = 24°C - 19°C = 5°C
Change in time = 2.0 minutes - 1.5 minutes = 0.5 minutes

Next, we calculate the slope:
Slope = Change in temperature / Change in time
= 5°C / 0.5 minutes
= 10°C per minute

Now, we can use the slope and the time difference between the known data point (1.5 minutes) and the desired point (1.75 minutes) to estimate the temperature at 1.75 minutes.

Time difference = 1.75 minutes - 1.5 minutes = 0.25 minutes

Estimated temperature = Temperature at 1.5 minutes + (Slope * Time difference)
= 19°C + (10°C per minute * 0.25 minutes)
= 19°C + 2.5°C
= 21.5°C

Therefore, the approximate value of the solution at 1.75 minutes is 21.5 degrees Celsius.