what does this say?

siempre me visto despues de banarme

cuando el abrigo es de juan decimos que el abrigo es suyo

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. The second sentence is using the long form possessive pronoun (mío, tuyo, suyo, etc.)

1. I always dress (get dressed) after bathing (myself).

2. When the overcoat belongs to John, we say that the coat is his.


The text you provided is in Spanish. To understand its meaning, we can translate it to English.

"Siempre me visto después de bañarme" translates to "I always get dressed after taking a shower."

"Cuando el abrigo es de Juan decimos que el abrigo es suyo" translates to "When the coat belongs to Juan, we say that the coat is his."

To perform the translation, you can use online translation tools such as Google Translate or use language learning apps that offer translation capabilities.