i'm needing help under standing the assignment please help. Describe the purposes of criminal law.Describe the two main functions of criminal law.Describe the written sources of American criminal law and their purposes.Describe how criminal responsibility can be limited.Identify one justification and excuse defense.Explain why they are usedDescribe the procedural safeguards that protect American Constitutional rights.

Let's take a look at each separate question. Check your text materials methodically for information about them.

Describe the purposes of criminal law.
Why does any country have laws against criminals?

Describe the two main functions of criminal law.
Protect the public? Punish the criminals?

Describe the written sources of American criminal law and their purposes.
Law codes?

Describe how criminal responsibility can be limited.

Identify one justification and excuse defense. Explain why they are used.

Describe the procedural safeguards that protect American Constitutional rights.
Reading arrestees their rights immediately comes to mind.

It might be useful to compare and contrast criminal law versus civil law.

Describe the two main functions of criminal law.

what are apa formatting guidelines

This is a good resource for APA guidelines. Try googling this:

"A Guide for Writing Research Papers
based on Styles Recommended by
The American Psychological Association"

I cannot post links here, it is not a site that will give you an answer...but it will help you along the way when you are stuck.

Sure, I can help you with that. Let's break down each question and explain how to answer it:

1. Describe the purposes of criminal law.
To answer this question, you can start by researching and understanding the general goals and objectives of criminal law. Criminal law serves several purposes, such as maintaining social order, deterring criminal behavior, punishing offenders, protecting individuals and property, and ensuring justice and fairness in society. It's important to explain each purpose in detail to provide a comprehensive answer.

2. Describe the two main functions of criminal law.
The two main functions of criminal law are to define specific behaviors as crimes and to establish consequences or punishments for those crimes. By defining what constitutes a crime, criminal law sets the standards for acceptable behavior in society. Additionally, it establishes punishments to deter individuals from engaging in criminal activities by imposing penalties such as fines, probation, imprisonment, or rehabilitation.

3. Describe the written sources of American criminal law and their purposes.
The written sources of American criminal law include constitutional law, statutory law, administrative law, and case law. You can explain each of these sources in detail and highlight their purposes. For example, constitutional law sets the framework for the government and defines the individual rights and liberties of citizens. Statutory law encompasses laws enacted by legislatures, while administrative law regulates agencies and their actions. Case law refers to judicial decisions that interpret and apply the law to specific situations.

4. Describe how criminal responsibility can be limited.
To address this question, you should discuss the various circumstances under which criminal responsibility may be limited. This can include factors such as age (juvenile offenders), mental incapacity, intoxication, duress, self-defense, or mistake of fact. Explaining each of these factors and providing examples would help in understanding how criminal responsibility can be limited in certain situations.

5. Identify one justification and excuse defense.
For this question, you can provide an example of a justification defense, like self-defense. Justification defenses argue that the defendant's actions were necessary and reasonable under the circumstances to protect themselves or others from harm. As for an excuse defense, you can provide an example such as insanity. Excuse defenses often argue that the defendant shouldn't be held morally or legally accountable for their actions due to mental impairment or other mitigating factors.

6. Explain why they are used.
To answer this question, you can explain the rationale behind using justification and excuse defenses. Justification defenses are used to recognize the right of individuals to protect themselves or others from harm. Excuse defenses are used to acknowledge that certain individuals may not be fully responsible for their actions due to mental or emotional factors. These defenses provide a means to ensure fairness and justice in criminal proceedings by taking into account the specific circumstances and intentions surrounding an offense.

7. Describe the procedural safeguards that protect American Constitutional rights.
The procedural safeguards protecting American Constitutional rights include various measures designed to ensure a fair and just criminal justice system. Some common examples include the right to legal representation (including the right to counsel), protection against unreasonable searches and seizures, right to a fair trial, right to confront witnesses, protection against self-incrimination, and protection against cruel and unusual punishment. Explain each safeguard in detail, highlighting how they protect individuals' constitutional rights during criminal proceedings.

Remember, when answering these questions in your assignment, it's crucial to provide well-researched and detailed explanations to demonstrate your understanding of the topics.