multiple choice always,sometimes,never

A plane containing two points of a line_________contains the entire line?

how could it not be always?

The answer to this question is "always."

To understand why, let's consider the definition of a line. A line is a straight path that extends infinitely in both directions. It is defined by at least two points.

Now, let's imagine we have a line with two points, A and B. If we draw a plane that contains these two points, the line will lie entirely within that plane. Any point on the line can be connected to either point A or point B using a straight path, and since the plane contains these two points, it will also contain all the points that lie on the line between them. Therefore, a plane containing two points of a line always contains the entire line.

In summary, the statement "A plane containing two points of a line always contains the entire line" is true.